Our private practice was inspired by the results of a UCLA study which predicted by 2028 California will have nearly a 30% shortage of therapists than needed to meet the demand for mental health services caused by the pandemic. The study highlighted that communities of color are especially underserved and that African American and Latinx licensed practitioners are underrepresented in the field of psychology and amongst licensed practitioners.
This study indicated to help meet this demand, California must do two things:
1. Support the retention, education and training of mental health practitioners to increase the number of professionals willing to serve diverse populations.
2. Support the retention, education and training of mental health professionals from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds to increase opportunities for African American and Latinx Californians to receive behavioral health services from culturally, racial/ethnically, and linguistically concordant professionals.
Play Laugh Live Private Practice stands ready and is answering the call to increase the number of well-trained mental health practitioners and credentialed play therapists to help close the service delivery gap in general and especially to individuals and families from undeserved backgrounds and communities.